Incest: a traumatic experience: a case report
Fiche mise à jour le 26 novembre 2018
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Incest: a traumatic experience: a case report
Résumé :Introduction:
Incest may be defined as sexual relations between close blood relatives. It is found in all walks of life and all cultures. Incest is a taboo in all populations. This “secret” lived in childhood raises questions about the future of such a psychological trauma. Father-daughter incest is the most common. It has psychological, social, medical, and legal ramifications. Recently, it was reported that being the victim of paternal incest during childhood might be a significant predictor of a borderline personality disorder and complex posttraumatic stress in adults. Tunisia is among the countries from which incest cases are rarely reported.
Browse the impact of this early trauma on victims to become adult and difficulties the therapeutic approach.
Clinical case:
We propose from a clinical case of a family, in which five girls were victims of father-daughter incest.
This would suggest that father-daughter incest is the most traumatic experiences which deserves attention and that we cannot afford to ignore. In-depth knowledge of the dynamics and effects of father-daughter incest suggest specific treatment strategies are indeed necessary.
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