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Victims’ Retrospective Explanations of Sibling Sexual Violence

Fiche mise à jour le 27 novembre 2024

En bref

Numéros : vol. 26, nº 7
Date de première publication : 1 octobre 2017
Etendue : pp. 874-888
Liens internet : DOI


Présentation de l'éditeur :

While sibling sexual abuse may be the most common form of sexual violence within the family, relatively few studies have been conducted on this topic. The current study addresses this gap in the literature through analyses of thematic categories in narratives gathered from an online survey of sibling sexual violence. Survivors were asked to report why they believed their siblings had become sexually abusive toward them. Participants believed that their abusers had learned to be abusive due to their own victimization or exposure to pornography, were abusive to establish dominance over them, or had some undisclosed mental illness. While the study does not claim to test these explanations or include abusers’ own narratives, it offers insight as to how sibling sexual violence survivors make sense of their experiences and assign blame to abusers and their families. It also offers insights into future inquiries about sibling sexual abuse.

Mots clés SantéPsy :

Agresseur, Mineur, Agression sexuelle intrafamiliale, Auteur de violence sexuelle, Frère, Inceste fraternel, Sœur


Langue : anglais
Numéro de fiche : 19
Catalogue(s) : CRIAVS
Type de fiche : Article de périodique
Création : 17/03/2018
Dernière modification : 27/11/2024
Statut : Publié