Living through the experience of sibling sexual abuse: parents’ perspectives
Fiche mise à jour le 13 octobre 2023
En bref
Cecilia Kjellgren,
Kristina Nygaard
Sibling sexual abuse constitutes a substantial proportion of sexual abuse committed by young people. The consequences for victims of sibling abuse have been found as extensive as the consequences of abuse from adults. Sibling sexual abuse also affects the entire family. However, little research has investigated sibling sexual abuse and its consequences from a parents’ perspective. This study examines the unique experiences of parents who faced disclosure of sibling sexual abuse. Five parents were interviewed, and the texts were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Four themes were identified: Parenting – insecurity and new parental challenges; Family – the loss of the family as a unit and the family as you knew it; The couple’s life – the loss of the love relationship and the fight for keeping the bond; and Adaptation – a new way forward. The findings highlight the extensive consequences for families experiencing sibling abuse and the lack of support from professionals in dealing with the crisis. Clinical implications of the findings are discussed.
Practice impact statement
Sibling sexual abuse can be experienced as a major crisis for all family members. This study illuminates the lived experiences of parents in managing sibling sexual abuse, the perceived impact on them as parents, and their relationships with each other and with their children, the child who sexually harmed, as well as harmed and non-abused children. The findings further underline the need of external support for affected families.
Mots clés SantéPsy :Inceste fraternel, Conséquence, Parent, Parentalité, Relation familiale, Relation parent-enfant, Couple, Agression sexuelle intrafamiliale, Agresseur mineur, Cas clinique
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