Shame, Boundaries and Dissociation in Chemically Dependent, Abusive and Incestuous Families
Fiche mise à jour le 4 octobre 2019
Shame, Boundaries and Dissociation in Chemically Dependent, Abusive and Incestuous Families
Présentation de l'éditeur :The goal of this article is to draw from the integrate concepts from a number of schools of thought (chemical dependency, ego/developmental psychology, family systems approach, psychoanalysis, and feminist therapy) into a cohesive whole in an attempt to increase understanding of how shame impacts individuals who grew up in highly dysfunctional systems.
The following paragraph is an overview of the literature that proceeds the discussion in this article: Numerous authors have identified developmental phases that children experience in the formation of their identity (Erikson, Kaplan, Mahler). Development is defined as the progressive changes in the "meaning making ability" of the person as they proceed through these developmental phases. The child's "meaning making ability" is the perception of him/herself in the world and how s/he makes sense out of it. Within this process, boundary development/maintenance has proven to be an integral part of identity formation. The process of separation/individualization is paramount in the development of health boundaries. Briefly, separation/ individuation is a developmental stage, whereby the child proceeds from a symbiotic relationship (delusion of a common boundary) with parenting figures through a progressive development towards a fully differentiated personality. Without boundaries one can not begin to foster a positive identity or healthy expressions of intimacy (Erickson, Hammer, Mahler). Important differences between males and females have been explored with females having been found to have much greater difficulty in the separation/individuation process (Chowdrow, Hammer). Other authors have clearly laid out the consequences to identity when shame (common to alcoholic families) interferes with this developmental process (Brown, Kaufman, Kopp, Miller). In chemically dependent families, boundary problems such as neglect and/ or enmeshment interfere with a healthy identity (Brown, Coleman & Colgan, Nielsen). It is becoming increasingly clear that there is a correlation between intimacy/dysfunction and chemically dependent families (Coleman, Brown).
The following article carries this discussion further by exploring how boundaries get violated, the resulting consequences to identity, the function of dissociation, differences between male and female socialization and therapeutic models for recovery.
Mots clés SantéPsy :Honte, Famille pathologique, Dépendance physique, Pharmacodépendance, Alcoolisme, Développement de l'enfant, Séparation, Intimité, Identité
Mots clés Prisme :