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Themes in the Relationships of Mothers and their Incestuously Abused Daughters: A Feminist Analysis

Fiche mise à jour le 25 janvier 2019

En bref

Périodique : Feminism & Psychology
Numéros : vol. 5, nº 1, ISSN 0959-3535 (Imprimé), ISSN 1461-7161 (En ligne)
Dates : Date de publication: 02/1995
Etendue : pp. 47-60
Liens internet : DOI


Titre :

Themes in the Relationships of Mothers and their Incestuously Abused Daughters: A Feminist Analysis

Résumé :

In most of the literature on the sequelae or treatment of adult women who were incestuously abused by their fathers, little attention is paid to the impact of the abuse on the daughter's relationship with her mother, other than to hold the mother accountable for the abuse. Phenomenological analysis of extensive interviews with five adult survivors of paternal incestuous abuse resulted in the identification of several common themes in the daughters' relationships with their mothers. A feminist analysis informs this discussion of developmental and contextual factors related to these themes, and forms the basis for highlighting the clinical implications of mother-daughter issues when working with adult survivors of paternal incestuous abuse.


Langue : anglais
Numéro de fiche : 1757
Source : CrossRef
Type de fiche : Article de périodique
Création : 16/01/2019
Dernière modification : 25/01/2019
Statut WordPress : Publié