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Long-term effects of incestuous abuse in childhood

Fiche mise à jour le 20 décembre 2018

En bref

Périodique : American Journal of Psychiatry
Numéros : vol. 143, nº 10, ISSN 0002-953X (Imprimé), ISSN 1535-7228 (En ligne)
Dates : Date de publication: 10/1986
Etendue : pp. 1293-1296
Liens internet : DOI


Titre :

Long-term effects of incestuous abuse in childhood

Résumé :

The authors studied two groups of adult women with histories of incest, a nonclinical sample (N = 152) and an outpatient sample (N = 53). Women in the community sample reported a range of long-term effects from the incest. The great majority said they had been upset by their incest experiences, but about half said they had recovered well from their trauma. Most women who had suffered forceful, prolonged, or highly intrusive sexual abuse, or who had been abused by their father or stepfather, reported long-lasting negative effects. The patient sample reported histories comparable to the most severe traumatic histories in the community sample.


Langue : anglais
Numéro de fiche : 1660
Source : CrossRef
Type de fiche : Article de périodique
Création : 23/11/2018
Dernière modification : 20/12/2018
Statut WordPress : Publié