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Symbiotic Mother–Daughter Relationships in Incest Families

Fiche mise à jour le 24 mai 2020

En bref

Périodique : Social Casework
Numéros : vol. 68, nº 2, ISSN 0037-7678 (Imprimé)
Dates : Date de publication: 02/1987
Etendue : pp. 94-101
Liens internet : DOI


Titre :

Symbiotic Mother–Daughter Relationships in Incest Families

Résumé :

Discusses and illustrates, via 3 case examples, the symbiotic relationship often found between mother and daughter in incestuous families. The research literature is reviewed. The symbiosis results in an ethos in which family members are not self-defined and feel that they cannot survive without the cooperation of each other. The case examples illustrate the developmental origins of symbiosis and the instability of symbiotic relationships in incestuous families. Treatment issues addressed include recognition of the mother's need for emotional support and of her victimization and dependency, reduction of the mother's feelings of dependency, and development of the mother's parenting skills.

[PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved]


Langue : anglais
Numéro de fiche : 1479
Source : CrossRef
Type de fiche : Article de périodique
Création : 23/11/2018
Dernière modification : 24/05/2020
Statut WordPress : Publié