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Attributional effects of therapy with incestuous families

Fiche mise à jour le 30 novembre 2018

En bref

Périodique : Journal of Marital and Family Therapy
Numéros : vol. 8, nº 1, ISSN 0194-472X (Imprimé)
Dates : Date de publication: 01/1982
Etendue : pp. 99-104
Liens internet : DOI


Titre :

Attributional effects of therapy with incestuous families

Résumé :

This study examines the effects of a self‐help program, Parents United, on the members of families in which incest has occurred. Fifty‐six male incest offenders, including three grandfathers, and thirty‐five spouses were studied to assess the impact of the program on participants' attributions of responsibility for incest, changes in family relationships, and subsequent referral and recidivism. The program was successful in increasing participants' feelings of responsibility, and decreasing recidivism, but less successful in keeping the families together.


Langue : anglais
Numéro de fiche : 1459
Source : CrossRef
Type de fiche : Article de périodique
Création : 23/11/2018
Dernière modification : 30/11/2018
Statut WordPress : Publié