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The crisis impact of sexual assault on three victim groups: Adult rape victims, child rape victims, and incest victims

Fiche mise à jour le 16 novembre 2018

En bref

Périodique : Journal of Social Service Research
Numéros : vol. 5, nº 1-2, ISSN 0148-8376 (Imprimé), ISSN 1540-7314 (En ligne)
Dates : Date de publication: 28/12/1982
Etendue : pp. 83-100
Liens internet : DOI


Titre :

The crisis impact of sexual assault on three victim groups: Adult rape victims, child rape victims, and incest victims

Résumé :

The traumatizing effect of rape and other forms of sexual assault on the victim has been documented in a variety of recent studies. The diversity of these studies with respect to their samples, data collcction methods, and measurement procedures makes it difficult to specify with precision (I) the effect of rape on adult vs. child victims, and (2) the cffect of rape vs. incestuous assault on child victims. The purpose of this research was to develop and apply a standardized assault impact assessment to a sample of victims admitted to a rape crisis treatment center. Three comparison groups compose the focus of this study: adult rape victims, child rape victims, and child incest victims. This article deals with the levels of trauma stemming from sexual assault in these groups and the implications of these findings for sexual assault treatment centers.

Mots clés libres :

Social Sciences (miscellaneous), Sociology and Political Science


Langue : anglais
Numéro de fiche : 1346
Source : CrossRef
Type de fiche : Article de périodique
Création : 04/05/2018
Dernière modification : 16/11/2018
Statut WordPress : Publié