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Father-daughter incest: immediate and long-term effects of sexual abuse

Fiche mise à jour le 15 novembre 2018

En bref

Périodique : Advances in Nursing Science
Numéros : vol. 8, nº 4, ISSN 0161-9268 (Imprimé)
Dates : Date de publication: 07/1986
Etendue : pp. 15-35
Liens internet : DOI


Titre :

Father-daughter incest: immediate and long-term effects of sexual abuse

Résumé :

The characteristics, immediate and long-term aftereffects, and methods of adapting to father-daughter incest were examined. Twenty-one women with a past history of childhood or adolescent paternal incest were interviewed. The findings suggest that the female victim of paternal incest may endure more emotional, social, physical, self-identity, familial, and interpersonal difficulties during and shortly after the incest has been terminated. Relationships with men and sexuality were more adversely affected with time. Positive coping mechanisms of incest and factors contributing to the victims' adjustment to the incest were documented. Implications of findings for nursing practice and research are discussed.

Mots clés libres :

General Nursing


Langue : anglais
Numéro de fiche : 1312
Source : CrossRef
Type de fiche : Article de périodique
Création : 04/05/2018
Dernière modification : 15/11/2018
Statut WordPress : Publié