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Chapitre de livre

Freud and the family–socialization school

Fiche mise à jour le 7 mai 2018

En bref

Auteurs : Joseph Shepher
Numéros : ISBN 9780126394603
Dates : Date de publication: 1983
Etendue : pp. 135-150
Liens internet : DOI


Titre :

Freud and the family–socialization school

Autre titre :

Titre de l'ensemble: Incest

Présentation de l'éditeur :

This chapter discusses a theory proposed by the family-socialization school. Following Sigmund Freud, scholars of the school—Malinowski, Seligman, Murdock, and Parsons—explained the origin, persistence, and functions of the incest taboo in terms of its beneficial, even indispensable, functions in maintaining the social structure of the human family and in making the process of socialization possible. Freud's main focus was on religion. This was the period of deep interest in primitive religion. The clan that develops from the Adelphi community is based on clantotemic exogamy and is a much more extensive exogamic unit than the nuclear family. Freud's basic assumption is that the sexual attraction of males to females (libido) is omnipresent, ever active, and, if not properly checked, destructive. In other words, if incest is not prohibited, it will be the rule. By far the most influential statements about incest can be found in Malinowski's writings. Malinowski had a profound impact on British social anthropologists and other incest theoreticians.


Langue : anglais
Numéro de fiche : 10
Source : CrossRef
Type de fiche : Chapitre de livre
Création : 04/05/2018
Dernière modification : 07/05/2018
Statut WordPress : Publié