Faktor penyebab dan upaya penanggulangan kejadian hubungan sedarah (incest): study literature
Fiche mise à jour le 8 décembre 2021
En bref
Ahmad Yamin,
Hendrawati Hendrawati
In 2018, according to the Indonesian Annual Record (CATAHU) the incidence of incest reached 1,210 cases. This condition worries all groups, including health workers, because they have the responsibility to help the community to prevent and treat it when it occurs. To assist officers, appropriate information is needed so that they are able to carry out their roles. This literature study aims to examine the various causes and countermeasures to prevent incest.
This literature study method uses a scoping review with the keyword Incest and Countermeasures / preventive and causative factors taken from Google Scholar and PUBMED. Based on keyword searches and examination of the title, abstract and year of publication, the author found 20 articles, after which the articles were checked again according to the inclusion criteria so that 10 articles were obtained.
The results of the study describe the factors that cause incest, namely the existence of sexual abnormalities in the perpetrator, a family who sleeps in a room, and a quiet home situation. Meanwhile, efforts to control incest are carried out through criminal law regulations, as well as protection and recovery of victims in safe houses. Other forms of business include: providing counseling services to families, mental-spiritual guidance, avoiding clothes that reveal aurat, and not sleeping with family members of the opposite sex.
The conclusion, factors that cause incest can occur due to sexual abnormalities in the perpetrator, the family sleeping in the same room, and a quiet home situation, but through various precautions such as avoiding clothes that reveal genitalia, not sleeping together with family members of the opposite sex, creating an atmosphere which does not deviate from the values held by the community, holding legal and religious counseling is expected to minimize and even prevent the occurrence of incest.
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