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Cripping Incest Discourse(s)

Fiche mise à jour le 8 décembre 2021

En bref

Périodique : Sexuality & Culture
Numéros : vol. 25
Date de publication : 23 avril 2021
Etendue : pp. 1910–1926


Présentation de l'éditeur :

In this article, I chart the ableist presuppositions associated with the incest taboo. Specifically, I interrogate two ways in which incest is deployed as a particular form of knowledge (and consequently prohibited because of such knowledges): first, the knowledge that incest creates inbreeding and attendant ‘abnormalities’; and second, that incest is a threat to the sanctity of the family. I challenge both these assertions on the basis that they are grounded in ableist (and heteronormative) ways of thinking. While I dwell on the theoretical aspects of this analysis, in the second half of the article I move to explore the ethico-political dimensions that arise from such theorisations. Drawing on the intersections of crip/queer theory, I wonder whether we should ‘fuck the future’, or whether we should imagine a queer/crip future that is not yet here. Such choices, I hope, will help us inform our understandings and approaches towards incestuous practices.

Sommaire :

  • Incest Creates Inbreeding and Biological Abnormalities(?)
  • Incest is a Threat to the Sanctity of the Institution of the Family(?)
  • What Does ‘Cripping Incest’ Do?
  • Reflections and Possibilities

Mots clés SantéPsy :

Inceste, Interdit, Représentation sociale, Norme sociale

Mots clés libres :

Crip Theory, Cultural Signs of Queerness and Disability


Langue : anglais
Format : bibliographie
Numéro de fiche : 759
Catalogue(s) : Fonds CRI-ADB
Type de fiche : Article de périodique
Création : 08/12/2021
Dernière modification : 08/12/2021
Statut : Publié