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Patterns of incest : a guide for counselors

Fiche mise à jour le 14 novembre 2019

En bref

Date de présentation : 1981
Etendue : 233 p.


Titre du diplôme :

Master of Arts

Organismes :

University of Arizona - Department of Counseling and Guidance, États-Unis

Résumé :

It is hypothesized that.from further inquiry and research on incest and its effects on victims, patterns will emerge which may prove helpful to mental health professionals in recognizing and dealing with the clients' trauma resulting from the incest experience. The purpose of this study is to provide further information for the counseling community in the area of long-term effects on female incest victims.

Although the authors reviewed in the literature reveal some clues to the victim's general condition, whether involved in a single incestuous incident, or a long-term relationship, little information is given in terms of counseling methodologies for dealing with victims after the fact. Further research is called for.

Brief case summaries of the ten volunteers are included, along with histories of the molestations and biographical/family status data. Some information on.subjects' gender preference of counselor, as well as successful and unsuccessful counseling approaches is presented. General data are given on what could be included in counseling sessions with adult women molested as children, as well as research rationale behind certain recommendations.

Sommaire :


  • Purpose
  • Hypothesis
  • Limitations
  • Assumptions
  • Definition of terms

Review of the literature



  • Volunteer profiles
  • Counseling
  • Social interest

Conclusions and discussion

  • Implications

List if tables :

  1. Subject Profile
  2. History of the Molestations
  3. Intervention
  4. Counselor’s Gender
  5. Counseling Experiences
  6. Social Interest
  7. Long-Term Effects

Mots clés SantéPsy :

Inceste, Traumatisme psychique, Méthodologie, Traitement, Prise en charge, Recommandation


Genre : Thèse
Langue : anglais
Format : bibliographie
Numéro de fiche : 36
Type de fiche : Mémoire ou thèse
Création : 07/03/2019
Dernière modification : 14/11/2019
Statut : Publié